



       不锈钢滤芯的产品分类和用途不锈钢滤芯产品分类:一般我们根据材质和功能的不同,滤芯可分为:高品质纤维滤芯、高密度活性炭与ID能转换、KDF专用微晶碳复合滤芯、4118云顶集团技高能纳米生成陶器、后置抑菌活性炭滤芯、高纯度铜-锌合金复合微晶碳、高精度超滤膜滤、不锈钢高磁滤芯。不锈钢滤芯的用途:不锈钢滤芯的应用非常广泛,主要是用于化工过程的分离与精制,废水净化处理并回收有用成分,工业废水零排放,活性污泥膜法废(污)水处理回用(膜生物反应器,MBR)等。在国外主要应用于饮用水处理,国内则主要用于工业领域的废水处理、回用,作为反渗透的前处理已被广泛认同,如微滤/反渗透组合的双膜法技术,在国内的工业水处理特别是电力、化工、汽车等行业中应用较多。目前微滤膜的应用领域主要涉及工业水处理、食品医药领域内的分离、澄清、纯化、浓缩,机械制造业的电泳涂装,印染化工,环保等。选择不锈钢金属烧结滤芯时的注意事项什么是不锈钢金属烧结滤芯?他的主过滤材料采用304、304L、 316 、316L不锈钢纤维烧结毡和不锈钢丝网为主过滤介质,不锈钢纤维烧结毡是一种采用不锈钢纤维经高温烧结制成的多孔深度形过滤材料;不锈钢编织网是由不锈钢丝编织而成。我们在选择不锈钢金属烧结滤芯时需要考虑过滤介质,过滤值,通过过滤器的流速,使用环境等。不同的用途需要不同的过滤器,在设计上您需要考虑以下几点:(1)孔径:也成微米等级,孔径定义了您需要过滤的介质是多大的。(2)压降:指液体或气体流过过滤器时产生的压力损失。您必须确定您的使用环境,然后将其提供给过滤器制造商。(3)温度范围:滤芯在其运作4118云顶集团作环境的温度有多高,您为滤芯选择的金属合金必须能够经受得住工作环境的温度。(4)强度:烧结滤芯是要求高强度的更佳选择,另一个优点是它们在正向或反向流动中的强度都是一样的。不锈钢金属烧结滤芯应用范围1.石油化工、油田管道过滤;2.加油设备、工程机械设备燃油过滤;3.水处理行业设备过滤;4.制药及食品加工领域;5.适用于电子、石油、化工、医药、食品等工业部门中的预处理和后处理系统上。对含悬浮杂质较低(小于2~5mg/L)的水质进一步净化。综上所述,正是因为不锈钢滤芯本身的特性,所以被各行业进行采用。文章来自不锈钢滤芯//45mn2.org/未经允许严禁转载。

      Stainless steel filter material is usually 304 or 316L, because 304 and 316L material acid and alkali corrosion resistance is very good, long service life, good effect. The performance of high temperature resistant stainless steel filter element has a variety of different porosity (28%-50%), aperture (4U-160u) and filtration accuracy (0.2um-100um), the channels criss-cross, high temperature resistance, rapid cooling and heat resistance. Corrosion resistance. Suitable for a variety of acid, alkali and other corrosive media, stainless steel filter element can resist general acid and alkali and organic corrosion, especially suitable for sulfur gas filtration. High strength, good toughness. Suitable for high pressure environments. Weldable, easy to load and unload. Stable hole shape, uniform distribution, ensure stable filtration performance. Good regeneration performance. After repeated cleaning and regeneration, filtration performance can recover more than 90%.

       1, good filtration performance, 2-200um filter particle size can play a uniform surface filtration performance; 2, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, pressure resistance, wear resistance; And can be repeatedly washed and long service life. 3, stainless steel filter element uniform pores, filtration accuracy; Steel mill high temperature resistant stainless steel air filter body is made of stainless steel, filtering accuracy is usually 0.1~200 micron above. Stainless steel filter element, good chemical compatibility, wide range of application, firm and durable without any release pollution fluid, can be cleaned and reused. It has the characteristics of high filtration accuracy, good permeability, large pollution absorption, low initial pressure difference, less pressure loss, large flux, good interception and purification effect, good strength, high temperature resistance, rapid cooling and heat, acid and alkali corrosion resistance, long service life and so on.

Stainless steel filter product classification: generally we according to the different material and function, filter can be divided into: High quality fiber filter element, high density activated carbon and ID energy conversion, KDF special microcrystalline carbon composite filter element, high-tech high-energy nano-generated pottery, post-bacteriostatic activated carbon filter element, high purity copper-zinc alloy composite microcrystalline carbon, high precision ultrafiltration membrane filter, stainless steel high magnetic filter element. Stainless steel filter uses: the application of stainless steel filter is very wide, mainly used in the separation and refining of chemical process, wastewater purification treatment and recovery of useful components, zero discharge of industrial wastewater, activated sludge membrane method waste (sewage) water treatment reuse (membrane bioreactor, MBR), etc.. It is mainly used in drinking water treatment in foreign countries, and is mainly used in industrial wastewater treatment and reuse in China. As a pre-treatment of reverse osmosis, it has been widely recognized, such as microfiltration/reverse osmosis combined double membrane technology, which is widely used in domestic industrial water treatment, especially in electric power, chemical industry, automobile and other industries. At present, the application of microfiltration membrane mainly involves industrial water treatment, separation, clarification, purification and concentration in the field of food and medicine, electrophoresis coating of machinery manufacturing industry, printing and dyeing chemical industry, environmental protection and so on. What are the considerations when choosing stainless steel metal sintered filter elements? His main filter material adopts 304, 304L, 316, 316L stainless steel fiber sintered felt and stainless steel braided net as the main filter medium. Stainless steel fiber sintered felt is a kind of porous depth filter material made of stainless steel fiber sintered at high temperature. The stainless steel woven net is made of stainless steel wire. We need to consider the filter medium, filter value, flow rate through the filter, use environment and so on when choosing stainless steel metal sintered filter element. Different uses require different filters, in the design you need to consider the following points: (1) aperture: also into micron grade, aperture defines how large the medium you need to filter. (2) Pressure drop: refers to the pressure loss generated when the liquid or gas flows through the filter. You must determine your environment and then provide it to the filter manufacturer. (3) temperature range: how high is the temperature of the working environment in the operation of the filter element? The metal alloy you choose for the filter element must be able to withstand the temperature of the working environment. (4) Strength: Sintered filter element is a better choice requiring high strength. Another advantage is that their strength is the same in forward or reverse flow. 1. Petrochemical, oil field pipeline filtration; 2. Fuel filtration for refueling equipment and construction machinery equipment; 3. Equipment filtration in water treatment industry; 4. Pharmaceutical and food processing fields; 5. Suitable for electronic, petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industrial sectors of the pre-treatment and post-treatment system. The water with low suspended impurities (less than 2~5mg/L) is further purified. To sum up, it is because of the characteristics of the stainless steel filter element itself, so it is used in various industries. Article from stainless steel filter //www.huanawl.com/ is strictly prohibited without permission.