

     不锈钢液压滤芯由单层或多层金属丝网与滤料制成,层数与构成丝网的目数根据不同的使用条件与用途而定, 同心率高、承受压力大、直度好,不锈钢材质,不带任何毛刺,保证使用寿命长。工业应用于润滑油、燃油的粗滤、 精滤中的蒸馏、吸收、蒸发、过滤等工艺过程,有多种型号和规格,安装更换;方便快捷,初始压差小、清洗周期长。不锈钢滤芯简介不锈钢液压滤芯是过滤行业的名词,为了净化原生态的资源和资源的再利用,而需要的净化设备, 滤芯主要用在油过滤、空气过滤、水过滤、空气过滤等过滤行业。除去液体或者空气中少量固体颗粒, 可保护设备的正常工作或者空气的洁净,当流体进入置有一定规格滤网的滤芯后,其杂质被阻挡, 而清洁的流物通过滤芯流出,液体滤芯使液体(包括油、水等)使受到污染的液体被洁净到生产、生活所需要的状态, 也就是使液体达到一定的洁净度。空气使受到污染的空气被洁净到生产、生活所需要的状态,也就是使空气达到一定的洁净度。 较低(小于2~5mg/L)的水质进一步净化。不锈钢液压滤芯的特点1良好的过滤性能、对2-200um的过滤粒度均可发挥均一的表面过滤性能2耐蚀性、耐热性、耐压性、耐磨性好;3不锈钢滤芯气孔均匀、的过滤精度;4不锈钢滤芯单位面积的流量大;5不锈钢滤芯适用低温、高温环境; 清洗之后可以再使用,免更换。不锈钢液压油滤芯的应用石油化工、油田管道过滤;加油设备、工程机械设备燃油过滤;水处理行业设备过滤;制药及食品加工领域;

      不锈钢滤芯工作原理与设计特点一、不锈钢滤芯工作原理不锈钢滤芯主要用在油过滤、空气过滤、水过滤等过滤行业。除去液体或者空气中少量固体颗粒的,可保护设备的正常工作或者空气的洁净, 当流体进入置有一定规格滤网的滤芯后,其杂质被阻挡,而清洁的流物通过滤芯流出。通过压差控制、定时控制自动清洗滤芯。当过滤器内杂质积聚 在滤芯表面引起进出口压差增大到设定值,或定时器达到预置时间时,电动控制箱发出信号,驱动反冲洗机构。二、不锈钢滤芯设计特点1、安装有不锈钢滤芯的过滤设备采用专利技术内部机械结构,实现了真正意义上的高压反冲洗功能,可轻松彻底地清除滤网截留的杂质,清洗无死角, 通量无衰减,保障了过滤4118云顶集团和长久的使用寿命。2、不锈钢滤芯采用304、316L不锈钢滤网,强度大、精度高、耐腐蚀,更高过滤精度可达0.5微米。3、不锈钢滤芯通过自身的检索和应变功能,实现自动反冲洗,可应对不稳定的水质波动,无需人工干预。4、不锈钢滤芯易损件少,无耗材,运行维护费用低,操作管理简单。5、不锈钢滤芯运行,可以根据不同水源和过滤精度灵活调整反冲洗压差时间和时间设定值。6、不锈钢滤芯在反冲洗过程中,滤网依次进行反冲洗操作;确保滤网安全、高效清洗,而其他滤网不受影响,继续过滤。7、不锈钢滤芯可采用气动排污阀,反冲洗历时短,反冲洗耗水量少,环保经济。8、不锈钢滤芯结构设计紧凑合理,占地面积小,安装移动灵活方便。三,不锈钢滤芯技术参数1、工作压力:1.6-2.0Mpa2、系统压损:30-50Kpa3、工作温度:600℃4、滤网孔径:1-1000μm。冲洗时间:反冲洗单循环过程23秒左右四、不锈钢滤芯应用范围1.石油化工、油田管道过滤;2.加油设备、工程机械设备燃油过滤;3.水处理行业设备过滤;4.制药及食品加工领域;5.适用于电子、石油、化工、医药、食品等工业部门中的预处理和后处理系统上。对含悬浮杂质较低(小于2~5mg/L)的水质进一步净化。不锈钢滤芯由主滤材采用多层不锈钢丝网,过滤精度为0.5-200um,其外形尺寸可按用户要求加工。文章由安平4118云顶集团不锈钢滤芯原创,//45mn2.org/未经允许严禁转载。

       Stainless steel hydraulic filter element is made of single or multi-layer metal mesh and filter material, the number of layers and mesh mesh according to different use conditions and purposes, high heart rate, high pressure, good straightness, stainless steel material, without any burr, ensure long service life. Industrial application in lubricating oil, fuel oil coarse filtration, distillation, absorption, evaporation, filtration and other processes, there are a variety of models and specifications, installation and replacement; Convenient and quick, small initial differential pressure, long cleaning cycle. Stainless steel hydraulic filter is the term of the filter industry, in order to purify the original ecological resources and resources reuse, and the need for purification equipment, filter is mainly used in oil filtration, air filtration, water filtration, air filtration and other filtration industries. Remove a small amount of solid particles in the air, or liquid is the normal work of the protection device and the air is clean, when the fluid is placed into a certain size of filter cartridge, the impurity is blocked, and clean flow through filter outflow, liquid filter makes a liquid (including oil, water, etc.) of contaminated fluids are clean to the status of production, life need, That is to get the liquid to a certain degree of cleanliness. Air makes the polluted air clean to the state required for production and life, that is, to make the air reach a certain cleanliness. The lower water (less than 2~5mg/L) is further purified. The characteristics of stainless steel hydraulic filter element 1 good filtration performance, 2-200um filter particle size can play a uniform surface filtration performance 2 corrosion resistance, heat resistance, pressure resistance, wear resistance; 3 stainless steel filter element uniform pores, filtration accuracy; 4 stainless steel filter element per unit area of large flow; 5 stainless steel filter for low temperature, high temperature environment; After cleaning, it can be reused without replacement. Application of stainless steel hydraulic oil filter element in petrochemical, oil field pipeline filtration; Fuel filtration for refueling equipment and construction machinery equipment; Water treatment industry equipment filtration; Pharmaceutical and food processing;

      Stainless steel filter is mainly used in oil filtration, air filtration, water filtration and other filtration industries. Remove a small amount of solid particles in the liquid or air, can protect the normal operation of the equipment or clean air, when the fluid into the filter with a certain specification of the filter, its impurities are blocked, and clean flow out of the filter. Filter element is automatically cleaned by differential pressure control and timing control. When the impurity in the filter accumulates on the surface of the filter element and causes the inlet and outlet pressure difference to increase to the set value, or the timer reaches the preset time, the electric control box sends a signal to drive the backwash mechanism. 1, installed with stainless steel filter filter equipment with patented internal mechanical structure, to achieve a true sense of high pressure backwash function, can easily and thoroughly remove the impurities trapped by the filter screen, cleaning no dead Angle, flux no attenuation, to ensure the filtration efficiency and long service life. 2, stainless steel filter element adopts 304, 316L stainless steel filter, high strength, high accuracy, corrosion resistance, higher filtration accuracy up to 0.5 micron. 3, stainless steel filter through its own retrieval and strain function, automatic backwash, can cope with unstable water quality fluctuations, without manual intervention. 4, stainless steel filter element wearing parts less, no supplies, low operation and maintenance costs, simple operation and management. 5, stainless steel filter operation, can be flexibly adjusted according to different water sources and filtering precision backwashing differential pressure time and time set value. 6, stainless steel filter element in the backwashing process, the filter screen in turn backwashing operation; Ensure that the filter is safe and efficient cleaning, while other filters are not affected, continue to filter. 7, stainless steel filter can use pneumatic sewage valve, short backwashing time, backwashing water consumption is less, environmental protection and economy. 8, stainless steel filter structure design is compact and reasonable, covers an area of small, flexible and convenient installation and movement. 1, working pressure: 1.6-2.0mPA2, system pressure loss: 30-50kpa3, working temperature: 600℃4, mesh aperture: 1-1000μm. Washing time: backwash single cycle process of about 23 seconds iv. Stainless steel filter application range 1. Petrochemical, oilfield pipeline filtration; 2. Fuel filtration for refueling equipment and construction machinery equipment; 3. Equipment filtration in water treatment industry; 4. Pharmaceutical and food processing fields; 5. Suitable for electronic, petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industrial sectors of the pre-treatment and post-treatment system. The water with low suspended impurities (less than 2~5mg/L) is further purified. The stainless steel filter element is made of main filter material and adopts multi-layer stainless steel screen. The filtering accuracy is 0.5-200um. The size can be processed according to user requirements. The article by anping Huana stainless steel filter element original, //www.huanawl.com/ is strictly prohibited without permission.