

      不锈钢过滤网表面出现彩虹纹我们应该怎样处理?在我们生活当中,经常会遇到不锈钢滤网表面出现彩虹纹的现象,那么应该如何处理呢?不锈钢过滤网表面有漂白剂以及各种酸附着,当即用水冲刷,再用氨溶液或中性碳酸苏打水溶液浸洗,用中性洗刷剂或温水洗刷。不锈钢过滤网表面有彩虹纹,是过多运用洗刷剂或油引起,洗刷时用温水中性洗刷剂可洗去。  不锈钢表面污物引起的锈,可用10百分之硝酸或研磨洗刷剂洗刷,也可用专门的洗刷药品洗刷。只需咱们运用正确的保养办法,就能延伸不锈钢的运用寿数,坚持其洁净、明亮、富丽的气量。  


     Surface of stainless steel filter screen appears rainbow grain how should we handle? In our life, we often encounter the phenomenon of rainbow lines on the surface of stainless steel filter screen, so how to deal with it? Surface of stainless steel filter net has bleach agent and all sorts of acid adhere to, wash with water immediately, reoccupy ammonia solution or neutral carbonic acid soda solution is immersed wash, with neutral wash agent or warm water is washed. Surface of stainless steel filter net has rainbow grain, it is to use wash agent or oil to cause overmuch, lukewarm neuter wash agent can be washed when washing. The rust caused by dirt on the surface of stainless steel can be washed with 10 percent nitric acid or abrasive washing agent, and can also be washed with special washing drugs. As long as we use the right maintenance methods, we can extend the use of stainless steel life, adhere to its clean, bright, rich gas.

      Stainless steel filter surface passivation film in the corrosion resistance of weak parts, due to the self-excited reaction and pitting reaction, formation of small holes, coupled with chlorine ions close to form a strong corrosive solution, accelerate the speed of corrosion reaction. There are stainless steel internal intergranular corrosion cracking, all of these, the passivation film on the surface of stainless steel damage effect. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out punctual cleaning and maintenance of the stainless steel surface, in order to adhere to its rich surface and extended use of life. The above is the surface of stainless steel filter rainbow grain processing, the article from //45mn2.org/ is strictly prohibited without permission.