

      筛网进行加工有多种材质进行加工的,除了不锈钢材质之外,常用的一种是冷拔钢丝,当然另有镀锌丝,热浸镀锌丝,拉丝等其他资料。表面处置:热浸镀锌,冷浸镀锌,喷塑。拥有活气的网状物遍及用于展览,样品架等。  在制造不锈钢筛网以前应当若何检查这些原资料?不锈钢筛网片冷拔前,检查每一个目标,或用测功机检查,供认后,能够运用钢丝。并在运用进程傍边做好记载。  不锈钢筛网完结两次后,咱们应当看看表面是不是有裂缝或部份缩颈。冷拔工艺后,钢丝表面简单生锈,应做好防锈工作。锈钢筛网片在运用进程傍边,冷拔速率不宜过快,应将皮带拉至划定长度或划定的操作应力然后休止。假设焊接讨论开裂,再次焊接后能够冷拔,不跨过两次。  当然,检讨应在查验前完结,无裂缝或机器毁伤。不锈钢筛网片检查圆盘冷拉低碳钢丝等级的力学功用。冷拔低碳钢丝的六次拉伸实验包孕拉伸强度和伸长率两个目标。

      为什么筛网加工完成之后进行表面处理?不锈钢筛网局部消融或者消融另一部分产品使得两个或者两个以上的无相关部件粘合在一起。  这样不锈钢筛网由于高温而变色的,考虑到漂亮问题,建议做完以后进行个全体的酸洗抛光不锈钢筛网外表构成一层钝化膜,在自然界中它以更安稳的氧化物的形状的存在。能够说,不锈钢筛网虽然按运用条件不同,氧化程度也不一样,但终都会被氧化,这种现象叫做腐蚀。不锈钢筛网外表有灰尘以及易除去尘垢物可用番笕、弱洗刷剂或温水洗刷。  不锈钢筛网外表有漂白剂以及各种酸附着应立即用清水冲洗,再用中性碳酸苏打水溶液或氨溶液浸洗,用温水或中性洗刷剂洗刷。不锈钢筛网在编制过程中,由于需经过拉丝、整径、织网、平网等多个环节,因此在其过程中不锈钢筛网外表难免会附着一些油污或脏垢,这就需要对丝网进行外表清洗和除垢,保证外观和质量。  不锈钢筛网外表的油脂、油、润滑油污染运用软布擦拭洁净,之后用氨溶液或用专用洗刷剂或中性洗刷剂清洗。


     Screen mesh processing has a variety of materials for processing, in addition to stainless steel material, a commonly used is cold drawn steel wire, of course, there is galvanized wire, hot dip galvanized wire, wire drawing and other information. Surface treatment: hot dip galvanized, cold dip galvanized, plastic spraying. Live mesh throughout for exhibitions, sample stands, etc. How to check these raw materials before making stainless steel screens?Stainless steel screen before cold drawing, check each target, or check with dynamometer, confessed, can use steel wire. And do a good record in the process of use. Stainless steel screen after the end of two times, we should see whether the surface is cracked or part of the neck. After cold drawing process, the surface of steel wire is simply rusted, so anti-rust work should be done well. Rust steel screen in the process of use, the cold drawing rate should not be too fast, the belt should be pulled to the designated length or designated operating stress and then rest. Assuming that the welding discusses cracking, it can be cold-drawn after re-welding without crossing it twice. Of course, the review should be completed before inspection without cracks or machine damage. Stainless steel screen check disk cold drawn low carbon steel wire grade mechanical function. Six tensile tests of cold-drawn low carbon steel wire include two objectives: tensile strength and elongation.

       Why is the screen finished after surface treatment? The stainless steel screen is locally ablated or ablates another part of the product so that two or more unrelated parts are bonded together. This stainless steel screen due to high temperature and discoloration, considering the beautiful problem, it is recommended to finish a whole pickling polishing stainless steel screen surface form a layer of passivation film, in nature it exists in the shape of more stable oxide. Can say, although stainless steel screen according to different conditions of use, the degree of oxidation is not the same, but will eventually be oxidized, this phenomenon is called corrosion. Stainless steel screen appearance dust and easy to remove dirt can be used for soap, weak detergent or warm water washing. Stainless steel screen appearance bleach and all kinds of acid attachment should be immediately washed with water, and then neutral carbonated soda solution or ammonia solution immersion, with warm water or neutral detergent wash. Stainless steel screen in the preparation process, due to the need to go through drawing, diameter, mesh, flat mesh and other links, so in the process of the appearance of the stainless steel screen will inevitably adhere to some oil or dirty scale, which requires the screen appearance cleaning and descaling, to ensure the appearance and quality. Stainless steel screen appearance of grease, oil, lubricating oil pollution using a soft cloth to wipe clean, then with ammonia solution or special detergent or neutral detergent cleaning.The above is the reason for surface treatment after the completion of screen processing, the article comes from stainless steel screen //45mn2.org/ is strictly prohibited without permission.