


       冲孔板复合网滤芯是由标准材质304的冲孔板与数层方眼网(或密纹网)复合烧结为一体,层数与构成丝网的目数根据不同的使用条件与用途而定。因其是将耐压骨架与过滤网烧结为一体,所以具有更为优异的反清洗效果,以及压降损失小的特点,现已在水处理、饮料、食品、冶金、化工和制药行业广泛应用。不锈钢冲孔板材料 :不锈钢板2个镍、4个镍、201、302 、 304 、316 、 304L 、 316L等。冲孔板滤芯材质304其它为316L。根据不同的要求可加制作特殊形状的产品。

       冲孔板复合网滤芯的特点:1、 过滤精度范围大:从1μ-100μ,都有可靠的过滤性能;2、 过滤精度稳定:由于有上下两层丝网做保护,加之扩散固融的烧结工艺,其过滤层网孔不易变形;3、 强度好:由于有第四、第五层做支撑,故有很高的耐压性和机械强度;4、 易清洗:由于采用的是表层过滤材料,具有容易清洗的特点,特别适用于反冲洗;5、 耐高温:可承受480℃的高温;6、 耐腐蚀:由于采用的是SUS316L材料,故耐腐蚀性高;7、 易加工:适合裁剪、折弯、冲压、拉伸、焊接等加工条件。按照材质来分,可分为金属烧结滤芯和非金属烧结滤芯。金属烧结滤芯主要是以不锈钢材质为主的粉末滤芯或者烧结网滤芯等。其他特别的金属材质还有钛滤芯、蒙乃尔滤芯、因科镍滤芯等。金属材质的好处是通常比较耐高温,以不锈钢材质来说,通常可以耐500℃、600℃的高温,并且强度较高且耐磨损,清洗后可反复使用。不锈钢滤芯通常采用316l材质,这种材质更加耐腐蚀,因为其中添加了Mo这种化学元素,拥有优异的抗点蚀能力,可以在一些沿海、船舶、航海或者高盐分环境使用。


     Widely used in a variety of industrial environments, different materials to adapt to the needs of different industries, buy the use of filter elements or from their own needs to choose the right products. Anping Warner always adhere to quality from real touch, professional can go further! Can be customized according to your requirements.

     Punching plate composite mesh filter is composed of standard material 304 punching plate and several layers of square mesh (or dense mesh) composite sintering as a whole, the number of layers and mesh mesh according to different use conditions and uses. It is widely used in water treatment, beverage, food, metallurgy, chemical industry and pharmaceutical industry because of its pressure skeleton and filter sintering as one, so it has more excellent backcleaning effect, and the characteristics of small pressure drop loss. Stainless steel punching plate material: stainless steel plate 2 nickel, 4 nickel, 201, 302, 304, 316, 304L, 316L, etc. Punching plate filter material 304 other 316L. According to different requirements can be added to produce special shape products.1, the filter precision range is large: from 1μ-100μ, have reliable filtration performance; 2, stable filtration accuracy: due to the protection of the upper and lower two layers of screen, coupled with diffusion solid melting sintering process, the filter layer mesh is not easy to deformation; 3, good strength: because of the fourth and fifth layer as support, it has high pressure resistance and mechanical strength; 4, easy to clean: because the surface filter material is used, it has the characteristics of easy to clean, especially suitable for backwashing; 5, high temperature resistance: can withstand 480℃ high temperature; 6, corrosion resistance: due to the use of SUS316L material, so high corrosion resistance; 7, easy processing: suitable for cutting, bending, stamping, stretching, welding and other processing conditions.

       Sintered filter element can be divided into metal sintered filter element and non-metal sintered filter element according to the material. The metal sintered filter is mainly made of stainless steel powder filter or sintered mesh filter. Other special metal material and titanium filter element, Monel filter element, nickel filter element. The advantage of metal material is usually more high temperature resistance, in stainless steel material, usually can withstand 500℃, 600℃ high temperature, and high strength and wear resistance, can be used repeatedly after cleaning. Stainless steel filter element is usually 316L material, which is more corrosion resistant, because of the addition of the chemical element Mo, has excellent pitting resistance, can be used in some coastal, ship, sailing or high salt environment.

      The above is some of the characteristics of punching plate multi-layer composite stainless steel filter element, I hope that through the introduction of the above we have more understanding, the article comes from anping Warner stainless steel filter element //45mn2.org/ is prohibited without permission.