


      不锈钢滤芯在过滤器中的作业原理是:通过压差操控、定时操控自动清洗滤芯。当过滤器内杂质积聚在滤芯表面引起进出口压差增大到设定值,或定时器达到预置时刻时,电动操控箱宣布信号,驱动反冲洗组织。具有高效、、全自动化易操作等性能特点。使得不锈钢滤芯过滤器运用非常广泛,主要运用如下。  园林草坪、农业的灌溉。饮食、纺织、矿业、电子、铸造行业的总供水过滤体系。制浆造纸、冶金、机械行业的喷嘴用水过滤。食品、电力、矿业、冶炼业的一般循环水过滤。医药、石化炼油、空调体系或供暖体系冷却塔循环水的过滤。  石油化工、机电、医药的污水离子交换预处理。从上面的内容中可以看出,不锈钢滤芯在过滤器行业中的运用确实是广泛的,而随着不锈钢滤芯制造工艺的不断提升,不锈钢滤芯也必将遭到越来越多的重视。

      Stainless steel filter is a very common material in the filter industry stainless steel filter is a very common equipment in the filter industry, also has an important position in the industry, it can also be said to be indispensable, stainless steel filter is widely used in the filter industry.

      The operation principle of stainless steel filter element in the filter is: automatic cleaning filter element through differential pressure control and timing control. When the impurity in the filter accumulates on the surface of the filter element and causes the inlet and outlet pressure difference to increase to the set value, or the timer reaches the preset time, the electric control box announces the signal and drives the backwashing organization. It has the performance characteristics of high efficiency, full automation and easy operation. The stainless steel filter filter is widely used, mainly used as follows. Garden lawn, agricultural irrigation. Total water filtration system for catering, textile, mining, electronics and foundry industries. Pulp and paper making, metallurgy, machinery industry nozzle water filtration. General circulating water filtration in food, power, mining and smelting industries. Filtration of circulating water in cooling tower of medicine, petrochemical refining, air conditioning system or heating system. Petrochemical, electromechanical, pharmaceutical sewage ion exchange pretreatment. As can be seen from the above content, stainless steel filter element is indeed widely used in the filter industry, and with the continuous improvement of stainless steel filter manufacturing process, stainless steel filter element will also be paid more and more attention.