

     说到不锈钢过滤网孔径大小受哪些因素的影响,最主要的是目数(过滤精度)和丝径是最主要的两个方面。下面让我们细致的来了解一下,不锈钢过滤网的孔径问题是根据丝径的粗细决议的,选用的丝经粗细构成的网面要确保具有突击作用下的平整度,网孔均匀性等多种职业的需求。不锈钢过滤网丝经较粗些构造出的网面承载力度是较强的,总体上的运用寿命也是有确保的,两种不同粗细范围的丝经构造出的网面运用上的性能是略有些不同的。  在同等目数范围内所构造出的孔径越小就越表明所选用的丝经越细,不锈钢过滤网的网面的承载力度是不能与丝经较粗构造出的网面所能对比的。网孔孔径巨细是与不锈钢过滤网所选用的丝经粗细有着直接联系的,丝经越细的筛网孔径就越大。 再次提醒大家不要挑选贵的,要挑选合适自己的才是好的。

       不锈钢过滤网的运用可能性多样化维护方便简略。不锈钢过滤网在当代工业过滤意义必不可少的产品不锈钢过滤网是不同与一般网状产品。而是有严厉的系列网孔尺度。  并且有对物体颗粒进行分级、挑选功能的符合职业、组织、规范认可的网状产品。不锈钢过滤网目数只是人们来描述不锈钢过滤网的。不锈钢过滤网不同于一般网状产品,就是它有严厉的网孔尺度,不锈钢过滤网尺度不的孤立的,它有系列网孔尺度组成,目的是为了分级挑选,只要这样的网状产品,才可称的上是不锈钢过滤网。  

       不锈钢过滤网特点:耐酸、耐碱、耐锈蚀性能好;不锈钢过滤网强度高,拉力、耐性和耐磨性强,经久耐用;耐高温氧化,304不锈钢过滤网名义耐受温度为800摄氏度,310S不锈钢过滤网名义耐受温度可达1150摄氏度;常温加工,即容易塑性加工,使不锈钢过滤网的运用可能性多样化;光洁度高,不必表面处理,维护方便简略。  不锈钢过滤网用途:不锈钢过滤网广泛用于筛分过滤和防护装修,适用范围遍及矿业、石油、化工、食物、医药、机械制造、建筑装修、电子、航空航天等职业。


When it comes to the size of stainless steel filter mesh aperture affected by what factors, the most important is mesh (filtration accuracy) and wire diameter is the two main aspects. Let us carefully to understand, stainless steel filter mesh aperture problem is based on the resolution of the diameter of the wire, the selection of silk by the thickness of the net surface to ensure that there is a sudden effect of flatness, mesh uniformity and other professional needs. Stainless steel filter wire by the thicker structure of the net surface bearing strength is strong, the overall service life is to ensure that two different thickness of the wire by the structure of the net surface on the performance is slightly different. In the same mesh within the scope of the structure of the aperture of the smaller it shows that the selection of the wire is more fine, stainless steel filter net surface bearing force is not the wire by the coarser structure of the net surface can be compared. Mesh aperture size is directly related to the size of the wire selected by the stainless steel filter, the finer the wire mesh aperture is larger. Remind everybody again do not choose expensive, want to choose appropriate oneself is good.

The use of stainless steel filter screen possibility of diversification, convenient and simple maintenance. Stainless steel filter screen in contemporary industrial filtering significance essential products stainless steel filter screen is different from the general mesh products. It has a harsh series of mesh scales. And has the classification of the object particles, selection function in line with the occupation, organization, norms recognized mesh products. Stainless steel filter mesh is just people to describe the stainless steel filter. Stainless steel filter mesh is different from general mesh products, that is, it has strict mesh scale, stainless steel filter mesh scale is not isolated, it has a series of mesh scale composition, the purpose is to grade selection, as long as such mesh products, can be called on the stainless steel filter.

Characteristics of stainless steel filter screen: acid resistance, alkali resistance, corrosion resistance; Stainless steel filter high strength, tension, resistance and wear resistance, durable; High temperature oxidation resistance, 304 stainless steel filter nominal tolerance temperature of 800 degrees Celsius, 310S stainless steel filter nominal tolerance temperature up to 1150 degrees Celsius; Normal temperature processing, that is, easy plastic processing, so that the use of stainless steel filter screen diversification; High finish, no surface treatment, easy maintenance. Stainless steel filter mesh uses: stainless steel filter mesh is widely used in screening, filtering and protective decoration, applicable scope throughout mining, petroleum, chemical, food, medicine, machinery manufacturing, building decoration, electronics, aerospace and other occupations.

The above is the main reason for affecting the aperture size of stainless steel filter screen. More details can be viewed on anping Warner's official website //45mn2.org/.